电影 火药之心



  • 片名:火药之心
  • 状态:正片
  • 主演:Vanessa Hernández/Andrea Henry/
  • 导演:Camila Urrutia/
  • 年份:2019
  • 地区:西班牙,危地马拉
  • 类型:剧情/
  • 时长:内详
  • 上映:未知
  • 语言:内详
  • 更新:2023-11-16 18:01
  • 简介:Claudia and Maria, roam the streets of the city of Guatemala. Claudia works at a call center and is uninterested in the world around her. She lives with her activist grandfather, who tries to persuade her to join his cause. Maria unlike Claudia, is more spontaneous and lives with her mother in the outskirts of the city. The chaotic streets are filled with mon stories of abuse, unforgiving police officers, and charming secret corners. Everything changes one night when they are attacked by three men. Although they manage to escape, Claudia is faced with the dilemma of choosing revenge or listening to her grandfather’s advice.
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Claudia and Maria, roam the streets of the city of Guatemala. Claudia works at a call center and is uninterested in the world around her. She lives with her activist grandfather, who tries to persuade her to join his cause. Maria unlike Claudia, is more spontaneous and lives with her mother in the outskirts of the city. The chaotic streets are filled with mon stories of abuse, unforgiving police officers, and charming secret corners. Everything changes one night when they are attacked by three men. Although they manage to escape, Claudia is faced with the dilemma of choosing revenge or listening to her grandfather’s advice.


  • 正片
    9.0 孙磊/朱永棠/于利/
  • 伦理
    6.0 Gabriel Agüero/Eliane Chipia/Johanna Juliethe/
  • 正片
    6.0 德尼兹·塞利洛格卢/米尔维·迪兹达尔/穆萨布·埃基奇/埃克·巴奇/埃尔登姆·塞诺卡克/于克塞·阿克苏/穆尼尔·坎·钦多鲁克/Onur Berk Arslanoglu/Yildirim Gücük/坚吉兹.博兹库尔特/S. Emrah Özdemir/Elif Ürse/Elit Andaç Çam/Nalan Kuruçim/Ferhat Akgün/埃莱姆·坎波拉特/Seçkin Aydin/Turan Selçuk Yerlikaya/Abti Karatas/Vahit Yildirim/
  • 正片
    4.0 奥斯汀·巴特勒/汤姆·哈迪/朱迪·科默/迈克尔·珊农/迈克·费斯特/波伊德·霍布鲁克/诺曼·瑞杜斯/达蒙·海瑞曼/博·纳普/艾莫里·科恩/卡尔·格洛斯曼/托比·华莱士/海皮·安德森/保罗·斯帕克斯/威尔·奥德哈姆/米尔卡·吉尔滕/保罗·狄龙/瓦莱丽·简·帕克/托尼·多诺/
  • 伦理
    5.0 陈思雅/闵瑞娥/
  • 伦理
    3.0 金智秀召/郑夏英/赵完真/
  • 伦理
    6.0 乃木萤/奈良坂篤/并木塔子/佐藤良洋/神森仁斗/鈴木一成/
  • 伦理
    6.0 지오/지현/문준용/조완진/
  • 正片
    1.0 卞约汉/申惠善/李艾/
  • 伦理片
    10.0 未知
  • 正片
    10.0 向昊/赵毅新/陈威/王双/
  • 正片
    1.0 雷镇语/李日朗/孙信宏/陈旭明/谢雅乔/
  • 伦理
    2.0 程妍柱/闵度允/
  • 伦理
    6.0 Julia Victoria/Cariz Manzano/阿塔斯卡·梅尔卡多/
  • 正片
    2.0 安妮·海瑟薇/杰西卡·查斯坦/乔西·查尔斯/卡罗琳·拉格菲尔特/安德斯·丹尼尔森·李/亚历山大·布莱斯/史蒂夫·罗特曼/斯科特·罗伯特森/乔尔·奈格勒/劳伦·雅弗/贝伦·D·比利兹/姬莉·米勒/埃蒙·帕特里克·欧康奈/拉里·彼特森/阿洛·史密斯/吉娜·古兹·弗兰西娅/
  • 正片
    5.0 赵丽颖/乔任梁/吴映洁/班嘉佳/范逸臣/冯铭潮/李立/许静/熊晓雯/臭屁坨/徐查理/石峄/
  • 正片
    7.0 姚星彤/立威廉/董琦/梦丽/朱璇/
  • 正片
    5.0 马特·达蒙/格雷戈·金尼尔/詹森·艾萨克/布莱丹·格里森/艾米·莱安/
  • 正片
    7.0 郑伊健/陈小春/陈慧琳/尹子维/杨峥/樋口明日嘉/
  • 正片
    3.0 道恩·强森/扎克·埃夫隆/佩丽冉卡·曹帕拉/亚历珊德拉·达达里奥/凯莉·罗尔巴赫/伊芬什·哈德拉/




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