电影 好莱坞的隐秘生活
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好莱坞的隐秘生活 正片4.0
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  • 好莱坞的隐秘生活

  • 片名:好莱坞的隐秘生活
  • 状态:正片
  • 主演:TJ Cummings/米娅·斯迈尔斯/Angela Nicholas/Brad Bartram/
  • 导演:John Harrison Quinn/
  • 年份:2001
  • 地区:美国
  • 类型:伦理/
  • 时长:内详
  • 上映:未知
  • 语言:英语
  • 更新:2023-11-17 13:13
  • 简介:Frank and Stephanie and David and Madeline. Frank and Stephanie are rich Hollywood producers, so bored with their contemporary relationship that they take to spying on their guests via high-tech surveillance equipment. David and Madeline, on the other hand, are still struggling for their first big breaks. He's a screenwriter and she's an actress, which comes in handy when it co... (展开全部)   Frank and Stephanie and David and Madeline. Frank and Stephanie are rich Hollywood producers, so bored with their contemporary relationship that they take to spying on their guests via high-tech surveillance equipment. David and Madeline, on the other hand, are still struggling for their first big breaks. He's a screenwriter and she's an actress, which comes in handy when it comes to convincing Frank and Stephanie to let them use their guesthouse. You see, their relationship is entirely fictitious - designed to help them find decent accomodations while honing their crafts. The truth is they really can't stand each other...
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